
YouPorn now lets you search for videos using emojis

YouPorn now lets you search for videos using emojis.
Almost as though searching by category or keyword is too much effort, the adult entertainment hub will now enable you to plug in a colorful ideogram to convey exactly what it is you’re looking for.
By way of example, the party popper emoji will unearth videos relating to orgies, the grinning face emoji with starstruck eyes represents amateurs, while the eggplant (aubergine) emoji will help you find videos featuring, well, we’ll leave that to your imagination.

Above: Eggplant emoji

At launch, YouPorn’s “Search by Emoji” feature will support more than 75 emojis.

Emoji trend

This update represents part of a growing trend across the technology spectrum, where visual communication tools — such as reaction GIFs and emojis — are replacing words.
At Samsung’s Galaxy S9 launch earlier this year, for example, Samsung’s head of IT and mobile communications, DJ Koh, opined: “Nothing is more important than how emojis are replacing words. Images are becoming the new mode of expression.”
Elsewhere, Apple has been doubling down on its emoji support by ensuring that all members of society are represented, while the likes of Facebook, WhatsApp, and Google are all heavily invested in the emoji revolution.

Above: YouPorn: Emoji search GIF

YouPorn is among the most visited pornography websites in the world, claiming around 1 billion video views per month, so it makes sense that it would embrace emojis — especially as more people start accessing “adult entertainment” from their smartphones.
“With the significant increase in our user base viewing our content on mobile devices, we’re excited to offer a fun and easy way to explore new content,” said YouPorn VP Charlie Hughes.
Source: VentureBeat
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